" Even these stars, which seem so numerous, are as sand, as dust - or less than dust - in the enormity of the space in which there is nothing. "
- Carl Sagan

Hi, I’m Simon.

While I am a consultant by trade, I am a creative at heart. For as long as I can remember, I have always been drawn to the visual arts, be it drawing, graphic design, or photography.

I obsess over the tiniest details, which I believe is crucial in creating great astro photos. After all, each tiny pixel could represent light years of distance in space! In my prints I like to fill up the entire space with rich colors and structural details - to create a window for you to view these mysterious gasses and galaxies up close. Please enjoy - I hope you like what you see.

My Style

In my photographs I strive to find the perfect angles, vibrant color representations, and detailed structural highlights. I hope to be able to invoke a feeling of wonder and awe as you peer into the grandeur of the cosmos.

An Accidental Obsession

On a warm summer evening in Joshua Tree, my girlfriend and I sat outside our Airbnb to stargaze. We couldn't figure out why this one particular star shined much brighter than the rest.

Luckily, I had a DSLR and a tripod with me, so I pointed my camera up and took a picture. To my surprise, this 'star' had four little orbs around it! As it turned out, I'd just captured my very first astrophotograph - of Jupiter.

Following my 'discovery' of Jupiter in 2020, the months that followed were a whirlwind of research, learning, and experimentation on everything related to astrophotography.

Eventually, I got the hang of the basics and was beginning to see improvements. This fueled my desire to improve further and to be able to eventually produce print-worthy photographs that I would be proud to hang on my walls.

To the left you can see my astrophotography journey over the years with the Andromeda galaxy, as well as my progress with the great Orion Nebula.